Even back in my kiddo days I had a distaste for religion. I've always hated church, stemming from the days when my parents used to force me to go twice a year (we were a C&E family). "I'd rather be in the mountains contemplating God, than in church contemplating the mountains." The quote from an unknown member of the Incline Club, trying to comfort those who felt guilty bailing on church this past Easter morning. But Fort Carson isn't a big combat arms post (yet - much of the 4th ID is moving up there from Fort Hood once they return from Iraq next year), so I'm looking forward to hearing all the war stories from the cooks and clerks and (I really can't wait to hear these!) the Air Force folks. It's also a TRICARE facility, so they've been getting a lot of the Iraq vets who lost it during their tour. Mostly adolescent males, many of whom are here because it's part of their probation, and if they screw up it's back to jail for them. This job, if nothing else, will be entertaining. Several of my CO adventures have already left me thinking, "it would really suck to have to let a broken bone heal on it's own 'cuz you couldn't afford to go to the hospital." It'll also be nice to have health insurance once again. Kinda want to get back into the psych world, which I enjoyed while at Pitt but haven't had much contact with since I left. Now also working as a lackey at the Cedar Springs looney bin. Not to be outdone by Squeezin' or Cleetus, I have recently added a second job to my schedule. Tag, you're it: TAF, Centipede, Firetunnel, Chlamydia, MeatGazer, and Sammy the Weiner Dog! I was, and am, ridiculoulsly opposed to the event (Iraq war) that gave me my life's greatest honor (Combat Infantryman Badge). I played the drums for three years in middle school band.Ħ. Wearing only a pair of Saucony Jazz and waving a Terrible Towel, I was chased through South Oakland for a quarter mile by a PGH cop.ĥ. On a drunken night in downtown Philly I pissed on the Madden-cruiser.Ĥ. In 1989 I finished dead last in the District 4 cross-country meet returned in 1992 to finish first and lead the Shikellamy Braves to the championship (which kicked off a 13+ year dynasty, FYI).ģ. Then leave a comment that says 'You are tagged' in their comments telling them to read your blog.Ģ. about yourself on your blog, then tag six more people!Ģ. Not usually into these, but since my cousin is going to send me a dozen Eat & Park Smiley Cookies with the new Clarks CD I thought I'd give it a shot.ġ.