Gorillaz demon days album cover for itunes
Gorillaz demon days album cover for itunes

gorillaz demon days album cover for itunes gorillaz demon days album cover for itunes

At the beginning of the video for "Strobelite," a random stereotypical Trap musician gets punched in the face while funny, it really has nothing to do with the rest of the video.Krabs saying "You're fired!", which was Donald Trump's catchphrase on The Apprentice. Big-Lipped Alligator Moment: "Hallelujah Money" randomly ends with a sample of SpongeBob SquarePants sobbing.Then there are those who feel Ace is being better-utilized here than in the base-breaking 2016 reboot of his home series, where he and the rest of the Gangreene Gang have pretty much been shunted to the background in favor of newer villains. Then again, it goes hand-in-hand with Murdoc's status as a Base-Breaking Character, since Ace is especially loved by fans who either feel neutral about Murdoc or outright hate him. He's loved for the most part, but some find him an unnecessary addition. Still, he remains a beloved part of the group with most others. While he was always a character fans were meant to Love to Hate, his increasingly heinous crimes, Karma Houdini status and tendency to dominate the vast majority of screen time across the phase made a sizable chunk of fans become sick of him. Murdoc became one of these during Phase 3.Awesome Art: Definitely one of the band's highlights is the highly complex artwork, courtesy of Jamie Hewlett, and visual-filled animations.More importantly, the concept of the cartoon characters being the actual band has been respected by both music journalists and MTV, who even gave Murdoc his own episode of Cribs. On the other hand, the band's inherently gloomy visual style tends to be a good tip off that they aren't child-friendly. To say nothing of the violence and sexual content of their videos (Murdoc's "bass shagging" in "Feel Good Inc." and attempted animal abuse in "19-2000"). Animation Age Ghetto: On the one hand, a minority of well-intentioned parents have brought their children to see their live shows, unaware that this "cartoon" band has several songs about death and violence, and the fictional characters who make them up include oversexed psychopath Murdoc.Alternate Self Shipping: Since her creation in Phase 3, Cyborg Noodle has naturally appeared in fanarts where she's making out with Real Noodle.Some fans theorize that 2-D might be on the autism spectrum, most likely undiagnosed, citing behaviors such as stimming, as well as music and zombie movies being possible special interests of his.Is 2D an Idiot Savant, or an intelligent young man whose mind was destroyed by severe head trauma and constant pain killer usage?.Was he ashamed he had abandoned her when Noodle came back, or did he even remember she still existed prior to that moment? Was it the shock of seeing someone who looked essentially like the "daughter" he raised in a state of disrepair, or was he just thinking about how Noodle (standing behind him) might react? In the "Lost Chord" music video, he seems shaken by the sight of Cyborg Noodle abandoned on Plastic Beach.Is Murdoc truly the completely reprehensible bastard that he claims to be, or is he a sad little man who was never given a chance at a normal life and is incapable of understanding others as a result? Does he actually enjoy being on Plastic Beach due to it being his "kingdom", or does he secretly miss having anyone to talk to? Did he kidnap 2D out of necessity of producing the album, or did he do it because he was the one person who didn't completely hate him and was thus the only person he could call a friend? Phase 3 manages to provide support for all sides of the argument.

Gorillaz demon days album cover for itunes