Nonton our glamorous times drama china
Nonton our glamorous times drama chinanonton our glamorous times drama china
nonton our glamorous times drama china

I have no problem with her having a cutesy role and whatnot, but I just feel like this character wasn't someone she needed to take up and there wasn't much about Lin Qian that made it a MUST HAVE role. There were a lot of aspects where she was just a sideline in the process, or they talked about how important she was, but she didn't really show it. She was talented and loyal and loving, sure. Character in other dramas, it was really annoying to watch her just be such a Mary Sue character in this drama. Personally, I don't like her modern dramas (or modern dramas in general as they always end up about the same), but after seeing her being such a strong, smart, brave, etc. This particular drama (and a LOT of people agree with me), I honestly think she shouldn't have taken up. I think she always does a really good job with what she's given and shows a good variety of emotion and skill. Zhao Li Ying - honestly, ZLY is one of my favorite actresses. There was a lot of focus on the second lead couple, but at this point the main couple was firmly established, so it was ok I guess. A LOT of split screen time between these four. Four different couple pairings by the end of the drama. There was a LOT of romance happening though. It moved fairly quickly (the first kiss was episode 10 or so) and seemed to make sense as to why they fell for each other. Romance wise, there was obviously a lot of that.


Scenes would go by and all of a sudden there was an entire store filled with clothes, whereas at the beginning when she designed the waterproof uniform, there was constant mention of how to make it, what materials to use, what the problems were, etc. By the time they created the Qing Cheng brand, there was really NO mention of the design process.


It went from focusing on designing for multiple different business projects and showing the designing process and trial and error, to just basically talking about it and saying "We're starting our own brand," but by the end was only really showing the business aspect of everything and everything else was just something they mentioned every once in a while to keep it in your mind. I honestly feel like even the fashion element was thrown out of the window after a while. Honestly, the action side was the only thing keeping this from being completely another basic modern business romance. It went from being action scenes in almost every episode, to being basically nothing until the last few episodes. Not even halfway through, most of the action side of it basically disappeared as they closed the plot that they introduced at the beginning of the drama. Things seemed to make sense as you watched, but as you continued on, it basically seemed like they were giving up on these major plot focuses one by one. The beginning of the drama wove those three plot points together fairly well in my opinion. All three things that don't necessarily go together, but it seemed like it could work. The fashion design aspect, the military/action aspect, and the business aspect. There were a lot of potentially interesting elements to this story.

Nonton our glamorous times drama china